For example:
TitanClicks is the main program and ref=kade is your referral id.
In this case, it may not be the best way to promote since people can directly go to the program website once they know its name.
But don't worry, you now can "hide" your referral links easily, and protect your income prospects by using some free url masking/cloaking program on the internet.
You go to its website, submit the your referral link, and it will create different url name for you, so people can't see what is the real referral link.
Some free programs will show ads when someone click on the newly masked/cloaked url, which can be annoying...
However, there is one recommended program you should join to hide your referral links. This program:
1. Will not show ads when someone click on the masked/cloaked url
2. Builds you a downline list
3. Free to use
4. Gives you earning for referrals you made who join this program
So you want to know more? Just click the below banner to join: